

Yzada’s World: Ten Minutes To Ticket!

Yzada was not following the rules. She observed firsthand the consequences of rule-breaking behavior on adults. Thereafter, she made a life-changing decision. A valuable lesson about being a good citizen is learned in this reading practice storybook for children ages four to nine.

Ebook Paperback Hardcover
4-9yrs Pre-k—3rd grade Book 3 36 pages English 9*6*0.25Inches Bananaleaf Press LLC Sept 4th, 2023 978-1-961417-10-6 978-1-961417-09-0 2023910847 Saqib Hussain Bianka Walter ten_minute_ticket

About the Series

“Ten Minutes to Ticket” is book 3 in the Yzada’s World series. Yzada’s World is a 5-minute bedtime story for kids. It is a series of fictional illustrated books about a six-year-old, innovatively curious girl named Yzada. Her questions go back and forth between her parents and her teacher. She learns about the world, from the answers to her questions. Her questions usually revolve around the life applicability of the knowledge being taught by her parents and her elementary school’s educational curriculum.


Yzada’s World: Ten Minutes To Ticket! Is about understanding the consequences for rule breaking behavior. It captures a six-year-old child’s new experience about consequences on rule breaking adults and a child’s understanding of obeying the rules. It is an educational storybook for kids.


Dimensions N/A


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